What isFilecoin+?

What is Filecoin+?

Filecoin provides a robust and decentralized platform that anyone can use to store data. Storage providers on the network receive block rewards based on the reliable storage they provide.

In order to maximize the amount of useful storage that Filecoin can support, Filecoin Plus was introduced as a social layer mechanism that incentivizes all participants to make Filecoin more useful. Data owners use a resource, DataCap, to make deals with storage providers who are greatly incentivized to store their data as it increases their share of block rewards over time.

Within the Filecoin Plus program there are different stakeholders that interact through the allocation and spending of DataCap. Root key holders, notaries, data owners, and storage providers all work together to create a governed community.

With Fil+

Without Fil+

Storage Provider (SP) Someone in the Filecoin network providing storage space Data Client Someone who wants to store data on Filecoin stores data stores data using allocated DataCap SP gets rewards from the network for successful storage Notary requests DataCap approves DataCap SP gets significantly more reward from the network for successful storage Toggle back to see how storage works without Filecoin Plus stores data Someone who wants to store data on Filecoin Data Client Storage Provider (SP) Someone in the Filecoin network providing storage space Toggle back to see how storage works with Filecoin Plus SP gets rewards from the network for successful storage approves DataCap Requests DataCap Notary
Do you have data to store?
The Fil+ program provides a network block reward subsidy. Apply today to get started.